ID: e0572
Collection: iStripper
Release date: 21 November 2016
Clips: 28
Bonus images: 64
Bonus videos: 1
Duration: ~38 min
Level: Full nudity
Size: 585MB (720p), 746MB (1080p), 979MB (3K)
Tags: high heels, nurse, piercing, shaved, stockings, swing, us stars
Want to see her dancing naked on your desktop?
Gallery (20)
Clips summary (17)
Overall (demo and transition clips not included) - Total: 17 |
Hotness level | Type |
No nudity | 0 | Standing | 4 |
Topless | 2 | Table | 7 |
Nudity | 0 | Pole | 4 |
Full nudity | 15 | Swing | 2 |
Sexually explicit | 0 | Cage | 0 |
| | Glass | 0 |
Clips details (41) (Click to expand/collapse)
Her other shows (3)