ID: a1191
Collection: iStripper Classic
Release date: 19 October 2012
Clips: 18
Bonus images: 56
Bonus videos: 2
Duration: ~36 min
Level: Full nudity
Size: 498MB (720p)
Tags: big boobs, high heels, lingerie, naked feet, skirts, tattoos, trimmed
Want to see her dancing naked on your desktop?
Gallery (22)
Clips summary (18)
Overall (demo and transition clips not included) - Total: 18 |
Hotness level | Type |
No nudity | 5 | Standing | 6 |
Topless | 6 | Table | 8 |
Nudity | 5 | Pole | 4 |
Full nudity | 2 | Swing | 0 |
Sexually explicit | 0 | Cage | 0 |
| | Glass | 0 |
Clips details (21) (Click to expand/collapse)
Demo clips - Total: 3 |
Filename | Hotness level | Type | Properties |
a1191_32102.demo | No nudity | Standing | |
a1191_4103.demo | No nudity | Pole | |
a1191_1202.demo | Topless | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
Main clips - Total: 18 |
Filename | Hotness level | Type | Properties |
a1191_1101.vghd | No nudity | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
a1191_2101.vghd | No nudity | Table (behind the taskbar) | |
a1191_32101.vghd | No nudity | Standing | |
a1191_32102.vghd | No nudity | Standing | |
a1191_4101.vghd | No nudity | Pole | |
a1191_1202.vghd | Topless | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
a1191_1203.vghd | Topless | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
a1191_32203.vghd | Topless | Standing | |
a1191_32204.vghd | Topless | Standing | |
a1191_4202.vghd | Topless | Pole | |
a1191_4203.vghd | Topless | Pole | |
a1191_1305.vghd | Nudity | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
a1191_2302.vghd | Nudity | Table (behind the taskbar) | |
a1191_32305.vghd | Nudity | Standing | |
a1191_32306.vghd | Nudity | Standing | |
a1191_4304.vghd | Nudity | Pole | |
a1191_1404.vghd | Full nudity | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
a1191_1406.vghd | Full nudity | Table (on top of taskbar) | |
Transition demo clips - Total: 0 |
Transition main clips - Total: 0 |
Her other shows (5)